Saturday, March 08, 2008


Je to naše sadistická kočičí máma. Někdy si nejsem jistá, jestli se snaží naši druhou kočku rozcupovat na kousky nebo jestli ji pomáhá s hygienou. Bylo hrozně těžký ji vyfotit, protože je pořád v pohybu. Ale takhle vypadá zase hezky nevinně.

Our sadistic mothercat. She is quite stuborn, I would say even more than cats usually are. If I try to cuddle with her she's got this very weird look on her catface - innocent bypasser would think I'm trying to struglle her instead. But she's got her nice moments too. Especially waiting for food :-) It's the predator in her as is our second cat finding out every day. It starts with brutal attack (I know I'm scared just looking at it) and ends with hair grooming. But she is really nice cat. If I feel down, she can feel it as well and be nice to me for quite a while.


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