Mouhammed Pierce
Mouhammed je náš Palesinsko-Saudsko-Arabsko-Egypstko-Česko-New Jerseysko-Minnesotský kamarád z Rochesteru, který se přijel podívat do Hradce do školy, za holkama a taky za Soňou do Brna (určitě něco chybí). Piercing znamená vpravení náušnice či podobného kusu ušlechtilého kovu do/skrz kůži za účelem zkrášlení. A to se přesně stalo. Mrkněte Soni do nosánku.
Well, those things don't go together as first impression. But here's the story: Mouhammed had a chance to stop by in Brno to spend day with Sona and ended up buying for her nose piercing - nose earrings - guys how do you call it? Obviously the party was great, all I need to do know to ask Mouhammed how to get his traveling hubbly bubbly. BTW this picture must be from his camera since it does have a date on it. Hope see you soon, my friend! Jiri
Well, those things don't go together as first impression. But here's the story: Mouhammed had a chance to stop by in Brno to spend day with Sona and ended up buying for her nose piercing - nose earrings - guys how do you call it? Obviously the party was great, all I need to do know to ask Mouhammed how to get his traveling hubbly bubbly. BTW this picture must be from his camera since it does have a date on it. Hope see you soon, my friend! Jiri
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