Jaro! Spring is here, guys!
Jaro je takové něco co si bydlí pokaždé kde se tomu zachce. Teď ho zrovna máme s Seattlu a tak jsme si ho v sobotu užili dosyta, na východ v parku, na severozápadě v horách, na jihu přímo v Seattlu, s racky nad hlavou...
Obviously, spring is like a piece of something who travels a world and lives every time somewhere else. We have him now in Seattle. We enjoyed him this Saturday, in a beautiful park in the East, Puget Sound and mountains northwest, Seattle downtown south, seagulls up....
The funny part is that our cats are just as stubborn as those seagulls. Lovely friends, that don't have to tell you that.
Obviously, spring is like a piece of something who travels a world and lives every time somewhere else. We have him now in Seattle. We enjoyed him this Saturday, in a beautiful park in the East, Puget Sound and mountains northwest, Seattle downtown south, seagulls up....
The funny part is that our cats are just as stubborn as those seagulls. Lovely friends, that don't have to tell you that.