Friday, October 25, 2002
Sunday, October 13, 2002
St. Paul
St. Paul je druhé největší město v Minnesotě (800 tis.), hned po Minneapolis (1200 tis.). Středy měst jsou od sebe vzdálené ne více než 20 mil. Města po letech srostla a dnes se jim říká Twin cities - dvojčata. Mimochodem Rochester je třetí největší město v Minnesote (85 tis.).
St. Paul is the second biggest Minnesota town (800 thousands) after Minneapolis with its 1200 thousands. Both cities downtowns are about 20 miles apart and since they merged as the cities grew, now they are called Twin Cities. By the way, Rochester is the third biggest city in Minnesota (85 thousands).
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Monday, October 07, 2002
Silver lake
Kanadské husy jsou díký místní teplárně naprosto běžným zvířetem. Na "Stříbrném jezeře" jich má přes zimu pobývat kolem 30 tisíc. Ze stříbrného se potom spíše stává po....... jezero. Asi dost nešťastná situace, pokud by se do Minnesoty dostala ptačí chřipka.
Canadian geese are thanks to local power plant common sight in Rochester. Through the winter on Silver lake there can be as many as 30 thousands of them. Than it does not look silver anymore.
Canadian geese are thanks to local power plant common sight in Rochester. Through the winter on Silver lake there can be as many as 30 thousands of them. Than it does not look silver anymore.